In this article we share the new jobs insturction which is announced in National Highways & Motorway Police jobs 2020 so you can check all instruction be carefully then apply for this jobs.Candidates can apply male and female.Can apply to candidates online by fpcs website.Candidates can apply for all Pakistan.No TA/DA will be admissible for Test/Interview.
Total Position: 300
- Merit 23
- Punjab 150
- KPK 34
- Sindh (U) 23
- Sindh (R) 34
- GBFata 12
- AJK 06
Age Limit:
- Male & Female; 18-25 years
- Plus (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit
Chest And Height:
- Male: 5 feet 8 inch
- Chest: 33-34
- Female Height: 5 feet 4 inch
Last Date:
KyA BSc 1st devision girls b apply kr skti ya nhi???